Sunday, September 25, 2011

#BEDS Fail!

My daily September blogging goal was not achieved. Last week started off as being pretty busy for me at work and I was unable to recuperate until the weekend. On the bright side, the job is getting easier and I feel less bad for selling out. Oh, well.

Monday, September 12, 2011

You may be right, but I'm not letting you know.

One of the greatest things I ever improved about myself is the ability to recognized when I'm wrong or feeling jealous. I'll never admit it to anyone else though!

One thing I am willing to openly admit on my internet page so infrequently visited is that I feel unsure, confused, in the middle of a slight identity crisis, and lonely. I'm also extremely appreciative of every single thing going on in my life at the moment and also unbelievably happy. I just really hate not having my life figured out or at least outlined in some way. I work best with structure and this whole "learn as you go" process is frustrating until I eventually get the hold of things. Unfortunately, it takes time to get the hang of things.

Btw, I absolutely love and saw this little gem today:

Fucking awesome! Ha!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

"No, This Child Will Be Gifted..."

"... with love, with patience, and with faith. She'll make her way." This song popped into my head today and for the life of me I could not remember the artist name, the song title, or even the lyrics (I search for the lyrics when I don't know the song or the artist). It was on the tip of my tongue (all 3) so after a couple of searches of "90s Female Musicians" I finally saw Natalie Merchant's name and searched for her on Youtube. I always liked this song from the moment I first heard it but I really fell in love after hearing an interview with Natalie Merchant on NPR about a year ago where she talked about the true story that inspired her to write it. I'll update this post tomorrow with a link to that article tomorrow but for now here's her song "Wonder."



I missed yesterday's post for the whole #BEDS thing! I'll post another one later today to make up for it. -Natalia

Friday, September 9, 2011

Getting There.....and What?!

I'm starting to get the hang of things at my job. I'm also starting to feel like it's mine.

Awesome. =)

Oh, and an embarrassing confession on the 'net: I recently got into Sex and the City (watching edited reruns on E!) and I'm totally hooked. Yesterday I even purchased the complete series from Amazon and have watched a few episodes. I'd seen a few episodes before here and there (unedited) but for some reason never really got into it. At one point I even found all the characters incredibly superficial but now I find them all interesting with superficial tendencies. Almost everyone is superficial about something.

By the way, I am absolutely in love with Mr. Big (Chris Noth). Oh. My. God. What a god!


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mellow Movie Moment

Talking to my coworker/supervisor yesterday had me thinking today about designating a weekly movie night for myself. I've gone to the movies twice on my own and although it may be a bit awkward (especially the first time), it's actually kind of nice. The first time I went alone to the movies I was 17 and was actually got stood up. I'd invited this idiot guy I used to be friends with to watch "The Punisher" and he didn't show (asshole had some lame excuse). The second time I went to the movies alone it was actually on purpose. Now I'm not a chick-flick kind of girl but I was dying to watch "Letters to Juliet." I had a Sunday with nothing to do so I just decided to get up and go watch (Also, no one willing to watch that movie was available). My coworker mentioned that she's gone several times to the movies alone and finds it relaxing. I pretty much had the same feeling when I watched that cheesy chick-flick (which, by the way, I loved).

The movie I'm dying to watch is "Rise of the Planet of the Apes." Why?

Because I love monkeys! And apes!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

You Gotta Fight For Your Right....

..... to partaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I work for a Brazilian company and we interact with people in Brazil on a daily basis. Today was Independence Day in Brazil so pretty much all offices were closed which meant that today was a pretty slow day. Being Brazilian I can speak for the country as a whole when I say that not a damn thing was done over there today. I'm sure everyone will be completely hung over tomorrow! ;-)

Congrats, Brazil!

And thanks for the break! ;-)


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

BEDS Day #6: Dino-might!

I've begun to develop a superficial interest in dinosaurs and I would like to expand it to a more in-depth curiosity about the former tenants of our planet. I remember reading and learning a bit about them as a kid. My youngest brother LOVED them when he was a baby. He watched Jurassic Park god knows how many times! I actually have a pair of dinosaur earrings that I wear almost everyday, a couple of dinosaur necklaces (my T-rex necklace is totally bad ass!), and an awesome dinosaur decal on my car (though that decal has more meaning than just my affinity for dinos).

Anyone have any suggestions where I should begin my dinosaur education? Books, websites, Discovery Channel specials? =)

-Natália-Saurus Rex

Monday, September 5, 2011

Meme in my BEDS! #5: Favorite Quote

So today's topic is favorite quote and currently the most relevant one is the one underneath my blog title:

"Não sei onde eu tô indo, mas sei que eu tô no meu caminho." ("I don't know where I'm going, but I know I'm on my path.") -Raul Seixas

Raul Seixas was a very famous Brazilian singer (feel free to click on his name for his Wikipedia page) and I am a huge fan of his. I don't think I really need to elaborate too much on this quote. It completely explains how I feel about my own life and how I've felt about it for awhile.

I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm doing it the best way I can. -Natália

Sunday, September 4, 2011

BEDS Meme #4: Favorite Book

Alright, so for this whole BEDS thing it looks like I'll probably just end up following the meme list. Today's meme is favorite book and just like favorite song, favorite TV show, favorite band, favorite movie, it's difficult to pick just one as a favorite. The book I'd love to briefly discuss is Our Inner Ape by Frans De Waal.

Most people acquainted with me are well aware of my superficial love for all things monkey & ape so when I saw this book on sale at a Borders (free with any purchase, so I purchased a coffee from Seattle's Best) I just had to get it. I finished reading in about 3 days and absolutely loved it. It's a book about bonobos, a species of ape similar to chimpanzees and just has genetically related to humans. It's an incredibly interesting read and not too technical. This book definitely impacted my views/opinions on human behavior. It was an eye-opener and I book I definitely recommend it to anyone interested in reading about explanations on why people are the way they are.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

BEDS Meme Day 3: Favorite TV Show

My plan for this whole BEDS thing is to try and come up with my own subject for my daily posts as often as possible and use the meme list (found here). However, I don't really having something in mind to blog about tonight so meme list it is! :)

Today's topic is favorite TV show and like many people I have more than one. In no particular order here are the shows that I would actually pay to purchase the complete seasons (I currently own Cowboy Bebop and Futurama):

1. Cowboy Bebop (Anime, absolutely amazing! Even though it's animated this show is definitely not intended for a young audience)
2. Futurama (Makers of The Simpsons, 'nough said)
3. Dexter (For those with an interest in psychology and serial killers)
4. Criminal Minds (Again, for those with an interest in psychology (especially behavioral psychology) and serial killers)
5. Doctor Who (Fun British show that's been around for years. It's actually a family show about time travel with a ton of ridiculousness!)
6. Wilfred (Hilarious dark comedy)
7. Avatar: The Last Airbender (Total kids show! It's an anime written by Americans! I was hooked after 1 episode!)
8. Deadwood (One of the best shows I have ever seen, unfortunately it was canceled but it's still completely worth watching)
9. Arrested Development (Probably the funniest show I have ever seen. Usually with comedies they're not worth re-watching but this show has so many hidden gems that you laugh at something different every time!)
10. Tosh.0 (I love Daniel Tosh and stupid internet videos) =)

Those are just the shows that I still watch on a regular basis (minus the any show on that list that has been cancelled or finished). There are other shows that in the beginning I absolutely loved but after awhile things just started to get too ridiculous (House and True Blood). Criminal Minds is beginning to go towards that direction as well and even Tosh.0 hasn't been as enjoyable as I previously found it. Currently I'm being entertained by Wilfred (until next week when the season finale premieres) and it is absolutely hilarious. Doctor Who just premiered the first 2 episodes of its current season and so far I've loved both episodes. Soon Dexter and Criminal Minds will begin and I'll be back to watching more serious shows.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Annual Analyzations

"Today is the day that every year I feel obligated to take a moment to myself and contemplate where I'm at in life and wondering where I'll be in the future. On previous dates my thoughts

But this year I feel drastically different, especially compared to my 23rd and 24th.

This year I feel unbelievably content and almost worry free. This year all I want to do is take a nice, deep breath and keep soldering on."

That was suppose to be part of my post on my 25th birthday. I planned on writing more. I should have just posted it.

Also, I've been dragged into this thing called "BEDS" which an acronym for "Blogging Every Day in September." There's even a daily meme to follow! I thought about doing this over at my ridiculous sarcasm blog "Eh, Why Not?" but I feel this one would be more appropriate. I've been meaning to keep up with this blog and I'd like to keep the other for only the purely ridiculous. =)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Almost a year....

Wow. It's been almost a year since my last post on this blog. A couple months after that latest post I started a new blog reserved for my sarcastic and dry wit. My intention was to update that one at least once a week with quick, short posts. I was doing a decent job at keeping that one somewhat consistently updated until about late April/May. Around that time and since then I've signed up for the GRE, took a quick (and initially disastrous) trip to NYC, went on an interview, took the GRE, took the GRE again, and started a new job (I've just completed my first 3 weeks!). It's been a very busy last 3 months for me.

Anyway, I think I'm starting to manage my time a little better now. So not only do I plan on keeping up with my other blog but I think I'd like to keep this one up as well. I'll leave this corner of the internet for my more serious and contemplative thoughts. I don't plan on updating weekly like I plan with the other but maybe at least biweekly. My original intention for this page was as a therapeutic outlet. I'd like to continue with that idea.

Well, that's it for now.
